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Eric Lechelard

Eric Lechelard is responsible for supporting all teams in the ALE International group strategic transformation.


Eric Lechelard

Director, Human Resources, Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise International - France

With more than 20 years of experience in telecommunications and IT, and five years as Human Resources Director of the ALE International 法国 entity, Eric Lechelard is responsible for supporting all teams in the ALE International group strategic transformation.

Eric’s expertise in professional services and customer services (customer care) has provided him with a variety of opportunities in the services industry, including management of the professional services teams for Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise. 他领导了预售工作, 设计, 体系结构, and 24-7 operations activities of all communications and network solutions for a strategic customer; a large US-based hospital group. He was also responsible for ALE global customer support activities, prior to being named Director of ALE International’s Human Resources team.

In addition to an engineering degree in telecommunications and networks, Eric trained in services and sales, and obtained a Master 2 in Human Resources Management at the IAE of Caen in 2017.


a man wearing headphones and sitting at a desk with a laptop
Digital Age Communications

HR Challenges in a Digital World: Hybrid work is 在这里 to st…

Eric Lechelard, 人力资源主管, shares his experience on the importance of offering hybrid work to recruit and retain talent.

a woman in front of a computer screen
Digital Age Communications

HR Challenges in a Digital World: Today’s new normal demand…

Eric Lechelard, 人力资源主管, shares the challenges of introducing a hybrid work environment in today’s new normal.

a man and woman sitting at a table
Digital Age Communications

HR Challenges in a Digital World: Rethinking the workplace …

Eric Lechelard, 人力资源主管, shares insights on the multi-generational workforce, work-life balance and mental wellness.


The hybrid workplace: Making remote working, work

Companies need to have the right digital platform to enable a hybrid work environment and ensure business continuity.
