
Greg Kovich
August 05, 2022

Education has changed forever. 数字化转型为学生取得积极成果和成功提供了途径, schools succeed.

a laptop and a book

我们最近讨论了数字化转型和学生成功的六个步骤,并探讨了它如何创建一个以学生为中心的成功校园社区. 现在是时候把我们的注意力转向数字化转型对教育机构意味着什么,因为我们进入了大流行后世界的新常态.

尽管过去两年的事件并非没有挑战——在许多情况下,这些挑战迫使我们寻找新的做事方式, quickly. From elementary, to higher education, from five to twenty-five (and then some) students, 教育工作者和机构面临的挑战是坚持到底,保持参与和联系. 在这段时间里,技术的作用不容低估. Now, as we continue the journey, 了解已经发生的数字化转型以及接下来需要发生的事情是关键.

Digital transformation drives the future

不断发展的数字化转型战略对于振兴校园和确保技术决策有助于积极的学生和学校成果至关重要. Organisations such as EDUCAUSE 高等教育数字化转型的有力倡导者,并提供优秀的资源,以帮助学校更好地了解需求, technologies and processes.

From those resources, 很明显,无论一个组织采取何种数字化转型战略, IT技术与机构的使命和预算的一致性, 为学生和学校最重要的事情奠定基础. It is critical to provide resilient, 敏捷和经济高效的IT操作,使机构更好地准备应对经济衰退, unexpected crises, and cyberthreats.

Additionally, 让学生与学校保持联系的技术, before, 在学习期间和之后,他们的学习经历可以创造比其他学校更有竞争力的优势. 它可以将机构定位为公认的领导者,使他们能够获得强劲的财务前景和未来增长的回报.

A partner for success

合适的数字化转型合作伙伴了解学校今天面临的挑战,以及为学生和学校提供真正成功体验的途径. 深入了解校园数字化转型战略对于交付技术至关重要, 安全和学习资源,学院和大学需要的不仅仅是今天, but into the future. Following are some key things to think about:


•打造高性能的智慧校园基础, secure, and flexible communications infrastructure

• Create student-centric platforms, technologies, 以及将学校资源交到学生手中的申请

• Provide solutions are easy to install, use, and manage


What’s next in the new normal

过去几年全球应对疫情的经验证实,数字化转型对学术成功和繁荣至关重要. 把合适的各方聚集在一起,可以为成功提供一个共同的愿景.

校园数字化转型战略可以为学生创造一个良性的利益循环, future students and the school. And, when students achieve better results, they enjoy their time on campus more, 他们与他人分享他们的积极经验,并为他们的机构创造良好的意愿. 数字化转型是开启这些途径和体验的关键.

Greg Kovich

Greg Kovich

Global Sales Lead, Education Vertical

Greg Kovich领导ALE教育垂直业务的全球销售.  Greg has overseen or created several Education solutions including “The Fundamentals of Communications” – a vendor neutral course on digital network communications; “Safe Campus” – a solution uniting emergency alerts with first responder collaboration and mass notification; “Secure Campus” – a solution that allows instructors to limit student network access to determined sites; and “Pandemic Education Continuity” – a solution that enables classroom instruction in the event the institution is closed due to health or environmental crisis. 


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