
July 23, 2019

在智能酒店网络系列的这篇博客中, we explore the different network architectures for different hotel types

Which network architecture is the best for each type of hotel?

Whether you own a boutique hotel or a larger establishment in the hospitality industry, if you’re independent or affiliated to a chain, technology has become a top subject on your agenda. 酒店网络使 guest wi-fi, digital hotel services and supports the business, the back-office tools integration or the staff collaboration can sometimes seem a complex topic. 在您的网络讨论中可能会发生这种情况, 你会听到像wi-fi高或中密度这样的词, access, core, switches, GPON, hybrid, passive optical networks, ONTs.

No worries! You don’t need to be a network engineer to make the right choice if you have some key features to keep in mind! 拥有正确的解决方案和合作伙伴也很重要, 对您所在的火狐体育手机和酒店需求有深入的了解, it is possible to design the right LAN and WLAN architecture to cover your exact hotel needs! A solution that is flexible and versatile enough should cover the functional needs of every type of hotel and resort, 并解决他们的预算限制, of course.

我们在世界各地看到了非常多样化的用例, as Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise has helped hotels ranging from short-stay, efficient hotels, 适用于大中型商务或城市酒店, or exclusive boutiques and large luxurious resorts to build the right network. 让我们来探索一些架构示例.


Case #1: Boutique hotels with essential network requirements such as guest wi-fi and an easy-to manage network

In this case, consider a simple, secure, and smart business network at affordable prices. 关键词:有效性, affordability, 简单的管理和可扩展性,以支持您的增长.

一个经济高效的架构结合了有效的Wi-Fi ap, 我们称之为“入门级”和“中密度”, 在高绩效的基础上, 但简单的管理局域网基础设施:

•阿尔卡特朗讯OmniAccess®Stellar AP1101 or AP1201 (entry-level, small, 低功耗和经济实惠)和AP1221, 以我们所说的“快速模式”部署, 适应于较小的架构.

• All these APs are deployed on top of a LAN infrastructure based on the Alcatel-Lucent OmniSwitch® 2220. The OmniSwitch 2220 family is a series of affordable Gigabit switches, 具有简化的web管理界面, the necessary performance, 精品酒店的服务质量(QoS)和可扩展性.

•如果建筑物的大小, the number of rooms and the IP devices to be connected is higher, 设计可能需要访问层和核心层, 所以你需要几个开关, such as the OmniSwitch 6350s for the access and OmniSwitch 6450s for the core.

案例2:高要求的中大型酒店, converged networks that need to manage high density traffic from both users and connected objects.

For this case, a multi-layer network will provide the maximum benefit for your Wi-Fi and IoT devices, relying on multi-gig, 高以太网供电(PoE)接入交换机, combined with wi-fi ap密度越大. These switches were designed for the most demanding converged networks: they handle high-density traffic, 统一访问并提供智能分析. We would recommend OmniSwitch 6450 for the access layer and the OmniSwitch 6860 for the core layer.

wi-fi网络的部署可以, and should, combine different access point models that can answer the traffic requirements for different spaces:

• High performance 客房室内wi-fi接入点, especially designed for the hospitality industry, such as the AP1201H which can support multimedia guest traffic and content streaming

•入门级ap,如 AP1201 低密度地区,例如走廊和中层隔离区 AP1221 with better performance for general indoor common areas, like lobbies, bars, fitness center, etc

• High-end APs AP1231 适用于用户密度高的繁忙地区, such as conference rooms, 礼堂或商业中心

•以及坚固耐用 AP1251 for outdoor deployments.

All the architectures designed with these elements can be managed either with an on-premises management system Alcatel-Lucent OmniVista® 2500, or from the cloud with OmniVista卷云网络管理即服务.

Of course, these two architectures offer enough versatility to provide for every combination of hotel characteristics using ALE LAN and Stellar WLAN equipment.


Case #3: Custom-needs hospitality establishments: large or multi-site resorts, hotel casinos, cruise ships

最后,但并非最不重要的是 有特殊需求的接待机构 that may require a customized design, such as the case of extra-large resorts, big convention centers, hotel casinos and cruise ships. 对于这些类型的配置, ALE provides the necessary support for project assessment and services, and equipment. For example, some models of ALE LAN switches are DNV certified to meet requirements for maritime transportation. There are ruggedized models for ALE LAN switches and Stellar APs for outdoors and harsh environments. In now we are introducing a hybrid H-POL reference architecture to complement GPON networks with advanced Ethernet LAN and WLAN features and services.

A word about GPON

GPON最近成为了酒店网络的流行词, as the GPON vendors claim that it offers cost efficiency and allows to optimize cabling and switch costs. However, pure GPON cannot not satisfy the level of services and redundancy that are required in most of mid and high range hotels. As it was the case of Okada Manila, 一个非常大的亚洲旅游胜地, hotel, 以及分布在大面积的零售空间, 难以用传统的方式布线. Manilla Okada, 和许多其他大型酒店客户一样, had very strict security, 冗余和可靠性要求. 为了满足这些要求, we developed a hybrid H-POL network to complement GPON infrastructures with increased security and intelligence. 我们将开发这个客户案例, as well as the pros, cons and adapted GPON solutions for hotels into the next blog post.

If you want to have an in-depth, technical or business conversation about hotel networks, don’t hesitate to 请联系阿尔卡特朗讯企业版 还有我们的网络专家团队!

To learn more, 下载酒店网络解决方案指南


Ana Mata


Ana Mata joined Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise in 2008 and has developed several roles in the company since then.

She is currently 网络解决方案全球业务线经理, focused on the sales enablement and evolution of different network product lines, including WLAN, SASE和SD-WAN以及基于云的网络管理.

Ana has previous experience in the Government and Hospitality industries, 支持ALE的垂直转型.

She holds a degree in Mathematics BSc from the Complutense University of Madrid, followed by a postgraduate master from the Department of Statistics and Operations Research.

About the author

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