Go hybrid: Services from the cloud, technology on the ground

Xavier Martin
February 06, 2019

Hybrid cloud lets organizations bridge the gap between today and tomorrow. Companies can benefit from existing investments while accessing new innovations.

Innovative collaboration tools – also known as unified communications (UC) – can ease the way people communicate inside a company. Unfortunately, however, 统一通信的复杂性可能会限制采用, 特别是对于中小型组织. 使用混合云解决方案, connecting the ground to the cloud to get the best of both worlds is now possible.

Solving problems

Hybrid technology can help to address some of the challenges that companies have traditionally faced when adopting new technologies. 统一通信 as a Service (UCaaS) delivered in a hybrid environment allows companies to continue using their on-premises infrastructure while accessing the latest technology as a service. 使用混合解决方案, organizations can deliver UC to provide employees with better tools, which in the past would have been costly and difficult to maintain using on-premises UC.

Additionally, 通信平台即服务(CPaaS), 这有助于集成业务应用程序, 能否成为连接人们的数字中心, applications and objects that a company needs to thrive. CPaaS can also help reduce latency in business processes, and accelerate decision-making.


Toward the cloud

The path to a hybrid solution will depend on the needs of the business. For cloud-focused companies a hybrid solution is just a step in the digital transformation journey. 然而,对另一些人来说,混合动力车是他们的目标. Some companies start their hybrid experience by moving directly into UCaaS, whereas other deploy UCaaS as a separate instance and gradually make the connection to their system. Hybrid UCaaS is most popular among small-to-mid-sized companies in the market today, while CPaaS hybrid solutions are more appealing to larger companies looking to enhance their business processes and to integrate with business applications, 或者连接对象.

Digital engagement is also high on the radar for companies today. CPaaS can certainly benefit those looking to boost their digital engagement with customers. CPaaS allows them to implement chat bots and integrate with CRMs so that they can learn more about their consumers. 随着客户对话的不断变化, and clients demand more than just the standard phone conversation from customer service environments, CPaaS paves the way for innovation and creates an opportunity to deliver a superior digital experience.


科技已经成为企业发展的催化剂. In the past, communications vendors might have worked directly with a small business manager to sell a phone system for employee use, but today’s vendors are challenged with an entirely different selling experience. Employees are used to being empowered, active online, and communicating in many different ways. 他们决定是否使用某项服务. IT不再拥有它曾经拥有的力量. As a consequence, companies need to catch up with these experiences and offer services that align with individuals’ expectations while bringing tangible business outcomes.

阿尔卡特-朗讯彩虹™ is an open communications platform as a service (CPaaS) with a set of APIs and SDKs that enable companies to integrate powerful collaboration tools into existing in-house applications and business processes. 按需服务, 例如由CPaaS提供的, 使公司能够利用社交, mobile, 云和大数据, to add context to their customer conversations and deliver and the experience that customers expect.

Discover how Rainbow can unlock insights into buyers, and help deliver an enhanced customer experience.

Xavier Martin

Xavier Martin

Vice President, Market Development, Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise

Xavier Martin is Vice President, Market Development at Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise. In this role, he leads the Solution Marketing and Business Intelligence team for the Communications Business Division. 

Xavier has more than 25 years of management experience in the software solutions industry, including business intelligence and customer service. In 2013, 他出版了《火狐体育手机官网》一书, a book that explains how organizations can leverage technology and consumer-led transformation to enter a new era of enterprise communications, heralding what it’s nowadays known as Digital Transformation.

Xavier has a Master’s degree in Telecom and Computer Sciences from Supinfo, Paris, France.

About the author

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