

今天 the question is not ’if’ but rather ‘when and how’ digital age communications should be implemented in the global enterprise operational model.

如果你们年纪够大还记得的话, the early 1980’s brought us the third industrial revolution enabled by the development and adoption of mobile telephony and satellites, 用户对移动体验的需求也在不断增长.

今天, the rise of broadband and cloud services brings us communications that are fast, 本地的, 和omnichannel. 也, 交流不再只是人与人之间的事, they’re also between 应用程序和连接对象 (Internet of Things (物联网)). 欢迎来到第四次工业革命!


A generation of digital 本地的s, born into a connected world, is driving digital transformation. 特别是, Y一代, 其次是千禧一代, have instigated many changes in the way tools are used and the way enterprises communicate. 例如, “Bring Your Own Device” (BYOD) paved the path making it acceptable to bring devices such as smartphones into the enterprise, 为了获得流动性, 游牧, 以及随时随地工作的能力.

在企业舞台上, the global health crisis accelerated digital transformation and the need to have the right information, 在适当的时候, 为了对的人, 不管媒介是什么, 同时保持社会Contact.

健康危机也迫使企业重新思考办公室, beyond just the flex-office — bringing the workplace into the era of 数字时代通信. The new digital workplace offers an office (not necessarily a place) adapted to all forms of communications. It is more agile, more customisable, and also accessible from any place or device.


The advent of high-speed technologies such as 5G and fiber are making it easier to capture and transmit data in real-time, and to process and analyse it with the power and speed of the central network, 而云让它无处不在. 然而, the acceleration of these technologies is also creating challenges in how companies handle their digital transformation and how they effectively implement real-time communications throughout the digital IT ecosystem.

没有单一的, 从现有系统过渡到数字时代的正确方式, 因为每个公司都必须适应现有的生态系统. The good news is digital transformations are happening — first through the adoption of more flexible models to migrate to a digital workplace, then by rethinking communications to put them at the centre of business processes, 为了更快的决策和增加员工的授权.

A decade ago, Voice over IP (VoIP) was the first step towards unified communications. 然而, communications in the digital age means thinking beyond telephony. 除了人与人之间的语音交流, 它还必须包括协作工具, 比如会议平台, 资源共享, 和在线聊天. 也 objects and machines such as temperature or pressure sensors for predictive maintenance, 或者定位信标,用于跟踪行动, will communicate through Artificial Intelligence (AI) to transmit useful information to operators.

优化他们的数字通信, companies need to take control of their network infrastructures and the new possibilities offered by the cloud (hybrid or private). 在不久的将来, 将需要网络支持5G, LAN or 无线局域网 technology and integrate them into their digital ecosystem. A mix of network infrastructure and cloud need to be tailored to address the rapidly changing needs of the company. 新服务, available on demand or "as-a-service" are popping up all the time and this will only continue as the evolution of workplace unfolds.


Many companies just don’t have the internal resources to develop new ecosystems on their own. 这就是伴侣的力量发挥作用的地方. 在技术方面是一个真正不可知论的合作伙伴, 通信和网络基础设施, 应用程序和连接对象, 可以帮助从现有的元素构建一个灵活的模型吗, 根据火狐体育手机的需要和要求.

The right partner can help enable elements to coexist with the "all-digital" solutions. The goal is to optimise the performance of the entire system to offer a real-time, 协作和安全通信 experience without latency, and to process the data or information needed 在适当的时候.

对很多公司来说, accelerating their digital transformation is an investment in their future performance and success, 影响招聘的人才和保留的客户. 最近的一项研究 自然-人类行为, indicates that teleworking — as productive as it is — is optimised only if real-time communications tools are interconnected, 可靠的, 以及适合公司和员工的规模.

如果18个月的健康危机教会了我们什么, it is that real-time communications is the cornerstone of everything, because nothing is more efficient than people-to-people conversation. It has highlighted the need for companies to migrate to a digital environment that will enable them to communicate in real-time, 人和设备, 不管他们在哪里. This is the future we are working towards and through digital transformation this is the goal we will achieve.




泽维尔•马丁 is Vice President, Market Development at Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise. 在这个角色中, he leads the Solution Marketing and Business Intelligence team for the Communications Business Division. 

Xavier has more than 25 years of management experience in the software solutions industry, 包括商业情报和客户服务. In 2013, 他出版了《火狐体育手机官网》一书, a book that explains how organizations can leverage technology and consumer-led transformation to enter a new era of enterprise communications, 预示着今天所谓的数字化转型.

Xavier has a Master’s degree in Telecom and Computer Sciences from Supinfo, Paris, France.





而人工智能可以减少工作量, 提供新型保护,增强适应性, 这也带来了新的风险.



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一个现代, 校园范围内的网络升级与学术能力保持一致, 今天和明天的研究和业务重点. 
