Prepare your hotel operations for mobile guests

Cristina Grigoras
February 26, 2016

Mobile guests are changing the experience game in hospitality.

And continuous engagement can help you stay unique in a tough market. Let’s see some examples of how other hotels organized their operations to welcome - and serve - this mobile fleet of guests in a timely manner.

1. 酒店员工的流动性

员工的流动性并不总是最重要的 酒店火狐体育手机 professionals, as one of our recent hospitality digital transformation surveys show, 但这种情况在不久的将来会改变, as hoteliers realize that staff efficiency heavily impacts the guest experience.

Dedicated mobile devices (DECTs or wireless handsets for example) have helped many hotels provide faster service. One example is the Buddha-Bar Hotel in Paris: “Mobility really brought efficiency to our teams, allowing them to be available at any time and therefore rapidly answer our customers’ needs. Today, everyone from the concierge to the maid can connect and share information in real time.” said Mr. Le Berre,当时的总经理.

Other hotels prefer allowing employees to use their own mobile devices, which reduces hardware to one device and also reduces maintenance costs. The Winn Hotel in Sweden uses a mobile app on employee devices that allows them to communicate room availability to the front office.

2. Thanks to consistent service quality across all channels

Today’s guests interact with hotels in many different ways: From their mobile devices, via social media, 酒店网站, by chat. A consistent quality of service across all different teams (front office, 预订中心, 移动团队和媒体是一个关键的区别. “The one thing that sets us apart is customer service,” says the 香格里拉酒店及度假村 客户服务总监. “ALE helped us really engage with our customers in the best possible way at all times and provide them service and assistance right away.”

3. 通过高效的工作流程

Hotel operations can communicate simply and effectively by using a simple app. For example, cleaning employees can communicate via a code on the room phone that the room is ready, 而不是每次都给前台打电话. 他们也可以通过手机应用程序,比如 Winn Hotel employees do. “They can update the bookings as soon as the rooms are done. They tap a code on their mobile phones and inform (the front desk) that the room is ready to be sold.”

4. 快速的应急管理

Many hotels have complex and non-integrated emergency systems or processes. 比佛利山庄酒店 in California, 例如,有一个前锋系统. 接到紧急电话的时候, it would print on a small printer in the operator office, 谁要用无线电通知保安. “We had an issue with the time to response of every 911 call.” says Adam Jones, IT Director of the Dorchester Collection in California. Moving to a centralized application greatly helped shorten the time it took to react, addressing emergency standards and ensure guest safety. “Both the security directors at Hotel Bel-Air and 比佛利山庄酒店, really enjoyed seeing the reaction and the accountability that was provided to them when they accessed the different reporting tools of the Emergency Notification admin console.” Integrated, centralized systems also allow hotels to notify all room and mobile guest devices at once.

准备好更进一步了? Learn how other hotels have integrated operations and deliver rapid service. 多学习如何制作 hotel operations more efficient!

Cristina Grigoras

Cristina Grigoras

Strategic industries marketing at Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise

Cristina is a marketing and communication specialist with 10 years experience in telecommunication, 媒体和广告. Currently Strategic Industries Marketing Manager at Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise. Before this role, she was Services and Professional Services Marketing-Communications with ALE. But also Brand and Strategy Manager in business media, advertising and the publishing industry. 

"My media background sparked my passion for stories. My telecom background taught me how a customer need, answered with a personalized and elegant solution, can bring together separate systems and ultimately people, to carry a business closer to its vision and its customers. Or how we say in ALE, how to make everything and everyone connect. 我的博客文章涵盖了这些类型的经历, 我们的客户和我们自己的冠军的故事, backed by industry trends."

Cristina is a Chartered Marketer and holds a Communications and P.R. 在布加勒斯特大学获得学位. 

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