
Heitor Faroni

您如何将移动性置于酒店运营的中心? 首先要采用“移动优先”的文化:方法如下

客人走进你的酒店期待友好的服务, 一间舒适的房间,配有广告上所说的便利设施. 近年来, two new expectations have been added to the list – the same level of technology as at home and the ability to interact with hotel staff using 接待的流动性

Employees also need to be able to do their job in the most efficient way possible and collaborate with their colleagues, 如今几乎总是涉及移动设备.

For many hotels, the answer is a mobile-first approach w在这里 they integrate Wi-Fi throughout. 这就要求:
• A high-performance infrastructure that reliably handles both guest and employee mobile devices
• 利用移动性 改善酒店运营
• 使用移动应用程序和功能 提高客人满意度

1. 创建移动优先的文化
第一步是连接室内自动化, 比如灯光和温度, 为客人和员工提供移动设备上的应用程序. Most likely, your vendor already provides this capability – it’s just a matter of using it.

一旦解决方案到位, you will need to educate and train employees starting with a team who has the expertise to assist other staff members. 接下来,为每个部门确定一个移动领导者.

Understanding the technology and devices is just the first step of creating a mobile-first culture. 你的员工必须着手每一个新项目, problem or process from a mobile perspective to design a solution that works with your guests’ and staff’s mobile devices. True mobile hotels undergo a cultural change of embracing and using mobility that starts with hotel leadership and is embraced by every employee from the general manager to the housekeeping staff.

2. 实现员工流动性
在谈论的时候很容易想到客人 接待的流动性, but employees must be able to communicate with both guests and other staff members from anyw在这里 around the property. Think about which hotel roles need mobility and then determine which type of mobility is best for their needs. 彩虹 酒店为客人和员工提供一个解决方案. 

3. 部署无处不在的酒店Wi-Fi
Ensuring that your guests and employees have a fast and reliable network to use at all times is an essential part of your guest experience. Wi-Fi仍然是美国的顶级设施 酒店火狐体育手机. A 星级酒店的wi-fi supports the guest experience, the hotel team productivity and can grow your 酒店业务,就像它对 Palladia酒店. The number of mobile devices brought onto your network will only increase as guests embrace wearables, 例如,在房间自动化中涉及物联网设备. To handle the high level of performance expected by guests and required for hotel operations, 您酒店的wi-fi应该符合最新的wi-fi标准. 

4. 想想客房和办公室以外的地方
Your guests expect to be able to get online w在这里ver they are – whether inside or outside the guest room. 当 设计您的酒店网络, make sure your guests can connect to the network from their pool chair to order a drink, 自助值机的停车场, the garden to look up plant types – and anyw在这里 else they might roam on your property. 因为你的员工需要访问权限来完成他们的工作, 确保所有员工专用区域, 比如存储区域, 阁楼或地下室, 也有可靠的wi-fi连接.

5. 启用基于用户的个性化访问
客人和员工都需要访问您的网络. 然而, guests don’t need access to the employee portion of the network and the housekeeping staff has no reason to access customer financial information. 通过为基于用户的访问创建用户配置文件, everyone has access to the information and systems needed to do their job. You can also add value by creating a VIP login with higher data allocations for add-on purchase or for 忠诚 members. 你对酒店的私人信息保密.

6. 确保您的网络是物联网友好的
物联网 devices are changing the guest room – automatic temperature control, key access, lights. 但这仅仅是个开始. The amount (and capability) of 物联网 devices in hotels are going to increase. 然而, increasing numbers of 物联网 devices also means an increased security risk because they provide additional entry points for attacks and breaches. 

使用物联网遏制方法, 每种类型的设备都存储在单独的“容器”中。, which means that any breaches only affect other 物联网 devices of the same type and cannot spread to the rest of the network. 使您的IT部门的工作更轻松, use a solution that automatically puts new devices in the proper container cutting security risks. 

7. 使用多层安全方法
一次入侵或攻击不仅会给酒店带来时间和金钱上的损失, 这也会损害你的声誉. 为了保证你的网络安全,使用以下三管齐下的方法:
• Device level – Use fingerprinting to secure devices and allow appropriate access
• Application level – Use deep packet inspection (DPI) technology to provide visibility and control of applications
• Network level – Protect the integrity of network infrastructure devices

Now is the time to begin preparing your hotel to be a mobile hotel – not tomorrow or next week. Hotels that wait will be unable to handle the technology and expectations that will become the norm in the very near future. 另外,他们还得花好几年才能赶上来. 从今天开始, 您的酒店将处于移动出行的前沿, 哪些会对客人满意度产生积极的影响, 忠诚, 收入和员工生产力. 让我们开始吧——你的客人和员工会感谢你的.

了解更多关于 酒店解决方案

Heitor Faroni

Heitor Faroni


Prior to this he was responsible for the creation of the Enterprise NA Bids & 提案团队. 阿尔卡特-朗讯之前, Heitor held the positions of Director of Strategic Initiatives and Vice President of 产品 Sales at Verso Technologies doing business development and defining go-to market strategy for GSM backhaul solutions.

Heitor also worked for high-tech start-ups including Clarent Corporation and ACT Networks were he held the position of Director of Sales Engineering for Latin America providing solutions such as softswitches, 应用程序服务器, VoIP网关, 路由器, 广域网协议和卫星通信的多媒体融合.

在他的职业生涯中,他做了大量的软件R&D providing a great combination of technical background and strong business acumen. Heitor holds a BS in Computer Science from the Brazilian University of Campinas (UNICAMP).





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一个现代, 校园范围内的网络升级与学术能力保持一致, 今天和明天的研究和业务重点. 
