Three considerations for the evolving 数字工作


设定业务目标, 确保员工敬业, 了解对业务流程的影响对于成功的数字化工作场所至关重要.


随着混合工作环境(办公室和远程工作的结合)的迅速出现,企业正面临着重新构想其工作场所的挑战. 在某些情况下, 这意味着重新调整优先事项并加快数字化转型战略, 包括 数字工作.

创建数字化工作场所不仅仅是将新技术投入到现有环境中. 虽然许多企业可能会试图通过技术开始向数字化工作场所的演变, at ALE we believe it’s essential to 设定业务目标,了解 对劳动力的影响,并评估 impact on 业务流程 and IT operations. 不考虑这些因素会增加失去业务目标的风险.

No time to go through the full article, we invite you to download  « The guide to creating a successful 数字工作 »

Let’s take a closer look at each of these three considerations:

1. 设定业务目标

There are number of strategic options when we consider 业务目标:

  • 现状: 在这种情况下,组织不希望增加任何服务、应用程序或设备. 这样做的目的是继续,就好像每个人都还在同一个房间或大楼里工作一样. While the investment costs are limited, incremental outcomes are also unlikely. The real risk with this strategy is that it can lead to silos, or cloud-based shadow IT brought into the workplace by users.
  • 选择性: 例如,在这种情况下,组织利用机会对他们认为是好的候选人的关键领域进行数字化转型,以交付切实的成果, 客户服务, 电子商务网站, 供应链, 或者人力资源.
  • Global: 在这个覆盖全局的场景中,数字化工作场所演进的业务目标在整个组织中向下级联,并定期进行监控和测量,目标是将企业转变为全球数字化工作场所.

The best option for each enterprise depends on their global strategy and budget. 只要与组织的目标一致,就不会有哪一种比另一种更好.

2. 对劳动力的影响

People are typically more attached to their environment than they’d like to admit. A 数字工作 project that requires them to alter the way they work, 或者他们工作的地方, can have unexpected consequences. 了解哪些因素可以帮助组织提供卓越的员工体验,同时降低业务风险,这一点很重要. That means understanding employee expectations and managing their engagement. 毕竟, it’s better to keep the employees you have, happy, rather than trying to attract and train new ones.

培养习惯一起工作的人之间的联系是很重要的. 语音交换是必不可少的,不应低估它作为通信基础的作用. 有些人可能也会说视频, but not all devices are video enabled, whereas, any phone can provide the human connection people want and need.

数字化工作场所不仅仅是建立一个基于云的协作平台. That’s not the case in all environments. Warehouse workers still require mobile devices, 比如DECT手机, to take their communications wherever they go. 例如, when picking an item from a shelf for a customer order, speed and reactivity can be a key competitive enterprise advantage.

Similarly, the need for desk phones shouldn’t be overlooked. Not only can the phone create a strong link to the rest of the organisation, 它还提供了目前软件应用程序无法提供的音频质量和舒适度.

数字化转型的社会学和心理学影响是一个需要考虑的重要领域. Beyond the digital services to be deployed, 重要的是要了解哪些功能需要根据其任务和对业务目标的贡献进行个性化关注.

To deliver a 卓越的员工体验, 我们建议采用混合云策略,企业可以保留现有的电话设备, 并辅以基于云的服务,如阿尔卡特朗讯企业统一通信系统(UCaaS)的Rainbow™, which provides the ability to make a full shift to the cloud in the future, when it makes sense and risk is limited.

3. Impact on 业务流程 and IT operations

如前所述, a cloud-based collaboration platform is essential in any 数字工作, however, it shouldn’t be considered the endgame, 而是在此基础上构建数字战略的其他组成部分.

In most of the cases employees need more than just a chat with a colleague. They need to interact with peers, customers, and partners while accessing the right information at the right time. That means, communications and 业务流程 or applications must be linked.

与客户关系管理系统(CRM)集成实时通信, ERPs, 人力资源申请, 学习管理系统(LMS)为员工提供参与上下文对话所需的信息. 除了从客户角度提高效率之外,它还提供了更好的员工体验.

从技术角度来看, IT departments need to ensure that integration is possible; either at cloud-level through off-the-shelf connectors or APIs provided by a Communications Platform as a Service (CPaaS); or at the premises-level to complement existing communications servers.

而数字化工作场所可以使用现有设备的组合来快速部署, such as a telephony server and cloud-based collaboration services, a long-term strategy should include the definition of 业务目标, a 卓越的员工体验, and the 业务流程 to empower people and increase competitiveness.

Each of these can be part of a stepped approach, however, 重要的是评估进展和衡量沿途的收益,以确保实现目标, 取得成果, and most importantly an engaged workplace environment is provided. An enterprise is the sum of its employees. 跟不上不断发展的数字化工作场所的组织可能会失去最重要的资源,因为员工会寻求提供他们所需的连接和效率的替代选择.

The ALE hybrid cloud model protects past investments, preventing a disruption in the existing applications, devices, 和服务, employees are used to working with. And, 它将实时通信置于其流程的核心,为企业提供卓越的工作场所体验和竞争优势.

Learn more about the Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise 数字工作.



Vice President, Market Development, Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise

泽维尔•马丁 is Vice President, Market Development at Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise. 在这个角色中, 他领导通信业务部门的解决方案营销和商业智能团队. 

Xavier在软件解决方案火狐体育手机拥有超过25年的管理经验, including business intelligence and 客户服务. In 2013, he published “Make It Personal”, 这本书解释了组织如何利用技术和消费者主导的转型进入企业通信的新时代, heralding what it’s nowadays known as Digital Transformation.





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