


I am grateful to all the ALE customers throughout the world who together have made our job one that is incredibly worth doing. “Why?你可能会问. 对此我的回答是:“为什么,是的!”
在最近的一次公司销售活动上, I was reminded by an executive about the importance of being in touch with our “why” for doing what we do. 在我们的业务中,这个劝告来得正是时候,也很有意义, 有时很容易忽视它. 我们该怎么办?? 我们制造硬件和软件解决方案, 特别是在网络和通信领域. 位和字节, 速度和进给, 这个操作特性和那个网络标准或法规遵从性, while all possessing intrinsic value as the sum enables our clients to meaningfully use our equipment to enhance their businesses, are not necessarily the stuff that lofty philosophical ambitions or ethical aspirations are made of. 还是? 我们只能说它可以,如果它与一个更深层次的原因Contact在一起——或者,我应该说,为什么.

为什么# 1——它的个人. I asked some very successful and respected Sales and 支持 people in our organization why they do what they do. Before we go down the road of visiting some of their inspiring personal reasons for getting up in the morning and for fighting the good fight, 几乎每个人都说钱是一个激励因素. 这不是对各行各业的每个人都适用吗? 他们这样做是因为他们得到了补偿, and their relative performance is in some way proportionally tied to their success in their job functions. 这一点也不奇怪. 正如马斯洛几十年前指出的那样, 我们的基本, 生理舒适和安全的基线需求, 以及某种程度上的社会归属感, 都靠钱. 像这样, it is a given that most people do what they do at least in part because they get paid to do it, 而这笔收入使他们能够获得食物, 避难所, 整体安全, 在社区中占有一席之地, 对大多数人来说,这不仅意味着满足自己的需求, 还有那些依赖他们的亲人.

我发现我的问题需要更具体一些, by probing into why the people I interviewed did the specific job they do rather than doing something else. 这就是有趣的地方. 在一个案例中, 一个售货员说, “经常, the last thing on my mind as I drift off the sleep and one of the first things that comes to mind in the morning is that I impact the lives of millions of people with what I do.“他是干什么的?? He is the ALE Sales Account Director for not only the largest public institution of Higher 教育 in the country, 同时也是该州最大的学区之一. 在他的角色中, he has supplied network solutions that have substantively impacted several million students over the last decade. 另一个人提到了她拯救生命的事实. 并不是说她自己是医生或医疗工作者, but she supplies network and communications solutions to one of the largest healthcare entities in the U.S. 这些网络构成了复杂护理系统的信息核心, 每天的赌注都是生与死, 每分钟. Untold numbers of lives have been saved and enhanced thanks to her role and knowledge of how technology can influence patient care success. 这是我遇到的最大、最令人信服的“为什么”之一.

为什么# 2——的企业. Not only do people have whys that motivate their day to day activities, but companies do as well. 就像人一样,举个例子,ALE背后的根本原因是为了赚钱. This is an undeniable underlying reason and purpose behind nearly every business entity, 我们也不例外. 然而,深入挖掘,这个故事还有更多的内容. While I cannot claim that I represent the company’s official position as to its big “why”, 关于它是什么,我可以提出我自己的意见.

Three threads have always run through the company’s philosophy and approach as I have known ALE. First, unrivalled technical excellence with a carrier class reliability tailored to the enterprise. The company has always sought to provide its customers with networking and communications solutions that demonstrate leadership in functionality and performance, 杰出的 可靠性! Ok, 所以听起来我又回到了比特和字节, 特性和功能, 这是非常枯燥的,当然不能构成一个大的“为什么?.“没错。. It must be coupled with the other parts of the equation: Uncompromising and responsive service to our clients. 自从我认识这家公司以来, 就我而言, 已经23年了, it has always sought to provide a Customer Experience that is both highly personal and that goes the extra mile. 它之所以能做到这一点,是因为它善于毫不妥协 客户中心性. The company has also always sought to be a leader in responsively delivering tailored solutions for its clients. The only way we could accomplish this is by relentlessly pursuing a path characterized by 速度和敏捷性. 虽然所有这些都是为了赚钱, 这是任何企业应该也必须做的, 这只有在提供令人信服的可靠性的情况下才是正确的, 通过坚定的以客户为中心,速度和敏捷性来实现.

那么,我们什么时候才能知道原因? 当然可以,给你. The company’s approach has always been that the network is essential to the client’s business. So much so that its business could not function normally or competitively without the network. 但它不是客户业务的核心. 那颗心是什么?? 它是特定客户公司自己做生意的原因. By coupling a second-to-none quality solution for our clients with personalized service experience and an unsurpassed responsiveness to client needs, ALE enables each customer to better realize its own individual why behind pursuing its business. 以这种方式, 我们使学生能在更短的时间内学到更多的东西, 影响一生的富足和成长. We allow the physician to have access to more granular and timely information with life-enhancing and often life-saving benefits. 我们帮助确保道路、城市和国防的安全. Our 可靠性/客户中心性/速度和敏捷性 solution extends the reach of their why as each client focuses on its core business raison d’etre, fortified by the savings it has achieved without compromising on satisfying its networking needs.

简而言之, I believe that ALE’s why is to facilitate the realization of the whys of our clients by offering them the very best networking solutions and services at a great price. 就是这么简单. 我们的“为什么”就是他们“为什么”的总和, 对我和整个ALE家族都是如此, 能成为其中一员真的是一件很棒的事情!




Kevin首先是一名商业技术顾问. 他目前是ALE的美国西南部客户总监, bringing almost three decades of experience and successful results in business technology. Kevin is guided by a philosophy that “life is a journey of moment-by-moment growth or atrophy,,而他的个人旅程指引是成长的决定性选择.

Every moment is an opportunity to make a difference and the difference that I am committed to making is a positive one of progress and fulfillment for everyone.





而人工智能可以减少工作量, 提供新型保护,增强适应性, 这也带来了新的风险.



An ALE study reveals that noise reduction techniques can negatively impact transcription accuracy in Artificial Speech Recognition (ASR) applications.



Strategic supply chain resilience and business adaptability to thrive in the face of adversity

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教育al institutions worldwide must modernise their networks to meet today’s new requirements.
