Connected smart cities are future-ready

泽维尔- mongin博客作者- 150 x160
décembre 21, 2022

Connected people, 对象和过程, 让智慧城市提供高效, 安全和可持续的操作 into the future.

Connected smart cities are future-ready blog image

Today, 物联网(IoT) devices and sensors are used in almost everything, everywhere. From the smartwatch on your wrist that monitors your health in real-time, to the smart metre in your home that records readings remotely, more and more pieces of our daily lives are getting connected.

城市发展的速度可能需要几十年甚至几个世纪, new technology innovations are spurring cities along. 随着快速的城市化,通过物联网等新技术的融合, cloud and Artificial Intelligence (AI), governments around the globe are on a mission to make cities connected, efficient, 安全可持续.


Urban living does not come without challenges. Being stuck in traffic at rush hour, 垃圾桶似乎总是满的, 或者坏掉的路灯几个星期都没修好,感觉就像日常生活一样. In an effective, 互联智慧城市的许多不便和低效率都可以得到缓解.

在当今世界,市政府的服务通常是安排好的和例行的. Waste collection happens on a specific day every week, maintenance crews spot-check public equipment, 比如路灯, 也就是说在检查间隙出现的任何东西都有可能被遗漏. However, as cities move to implement IoT technologies, services are becoming much more responsive and reactive.

IoT sensors installed on garbage bins, connected to a centrally managed platform, can alert the waste management company when the container is full. Instead of relying on bin collection at a set time, the waste-removal team can be dispatched when needed.

Similarly, if there is a problem with a streetlight with an IoT sensor, maintenance teams can be alerted immediately. 定期抽查将成为过去,因为一旦有问题需要解决,团队就会得到通知, saving time and keeping the streets well-lit and safe.


Busy public transport and congested roads can make city travel difficult. As urban areas move to deploy connected sensors across the city, 市民可以获得最新的信息,帮助他们做出明智的旅行决定. 当人们选择不同的路线或交通方式时,拥堵和拥挤可以得到缓解.

But it’s not just transportation that gets all tied up. 博物馆、画廊和政府办公场所等公共建筑都会经历繁忙时期. Using IoT sensors and asset tracking systems, organisations can detect how many people are in one place at one time. 这可以帮助管理访问者数量,也可以让公众知道网站的繁忙程度. Organisations can use the same technology in commercial buildings, 办公室和医疗保健地点, to track assets, 减少了寻找物品的时间和更换放错地方的设备的成本.


In addition to improving operational efficiencies, 城市有责任通过提高能源效率来实现全球气候变化目标. Electric buses, 在许多城市地区,补贴公共交通和拥堵费是司空见惯的,以帮助推动人们的行为,减少汽车排放.

除了绿色交通,城市还必须重新审视建筑的能源使用. 在建筑物中安装物联网传感器可以让组织监控设备的能耗并远程控制它们. 使用集中管理的平台, hundreds of devices can be turned off simultaneously, reducing energy consumption and costs. 有了人工智能,组织可以分析收集到的数据,以检测导致能源消耗的异常和模式. 根据调查结果,可以采用新的做法来减少排放.

Safety first

With IoT technology and cloud-based solutions, governments and emergency services can monitor roads, 实时显示街道和建筑物.

连接到集中管理平台的CCTV物联网设备可以检测是否有紧急情况, 比如车祸. 在这种情况下,将触发警报以立即通知紧急服务. This technology saves time and lives.

物联网资产跟踪技术还可以通过快速定位人员和资产来帮助提高安全性. Rescue teams can also remotely ensure a building is empty, saving them from entering a dangerous situation unnecessarily.


Smart cities rely on 24/7 connectivity to function. Network outages are simply not an option. 停机时间会让人们处于危险之中. Real-time data is key to the smart solutions cities demand. 确保可靠的连接, 一个城市的网络应该集中管理,高吞吐量和低延迟. As technologies and network capabilities continue to evolve, 网络还需要灵活和可扩展,以支持未来的创新.


我们最近与北海道岛(北海道)的合作是一个现实世界中如何变革的例子 smart technology and a dependable network 能成为一个社区吗. 北海道是日本第二大岛屿,位于地震多发地区. To ensure the safety of their elderly residents, 信息和通信基础设施利用促进委员会(ICIUPC)负责11个乡镇之间的通信.

日本面临着可能对其公民造成重大影响的自然灾害造成的严重破坏. 偏远城镇的老年居民无法获得技术或网络连接,他们尤其容易受到伤害.

除了灾难情况, everyday communication is essential to maintain people's health, which means providing connectivity to all the elderly residents. 安装在居民家中的基于云的电话解决方案使他们能够使用视频和音频进行通信. Hokkaido’s elderly community can also receive weather notifications, alerts from police and transportation operators, 灾害警报和更新, as well as have day-to-day consultations with healthcare professionals.

With this system, 乘坐公共交通有困难的居民也可以通过班车服务按需出行. 该解决方案在自然灾害的情况下保护孤立的居民, as well it aids the revitalisation of the local community, facilitating social integration with family, 朋友和其他居民.

The Hokkaido Municipality has embraced digital technology. 全岛安装的强大网络使公民享有可靠的通信, 保护他们的安全, 并改善老年人的总体福祉,他们现在有一系列触手可及的服务.


As technology evolves so too will smart cities capabilities. A 互联智慧城市 使政府能够创建具有无缝协作服务的城市和城镇, 提供有效率的, 安全和可持续的操作. 确保城市拥有可靠的, 安全和可扩展的网络, 意味着像北海道这样的社区可以在未来很长一段时间内继续享受最新智能技术的好处.

泽维尔- mongin博客作者- 150 x160

Xavier Mongin


阿尔卡特朗讯公司企业部门首席执行官泽维尔•蒙金, Défense, and Smart cities. 今年将有超过20个国家和地区的信息和技术工业(TIC)在不同的部门开展业务, 注:l'informatique hôtelière将于2021年1月1日生效. Auparavant, 我是欧洲东南地区的一员, l'Afrique, la Turquie, l'Inde et les régions Moyen-Orient/Afrique.

泽维尔是一位优秀的沟通者,他有丰富的经验、复杂的人际关系和不同的文化. Désireux de partager son expérience et sa passion pour l'innovation, 我将共同资助一些创业项目和创业项目.

Xavier est membre de CCI France UAE, 法国科技Dubaï, et un contributeur de Hyperloop Transport Technologies.


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