Blog 1200x299

Daniel Ferrero

In his current role as the Director of the Network Business Transformation, Daniel Ferrero is responsible for Small to Mid-Size Business offers and channel strategy alignment.

Daniel Ferrero

Daniel Ferrero

Business Program Director, ALE Network Business Engine

Daniel has over 25 years experience in the telecommunications industry working for ALE's Network Business Division and in the past for the Communication Business Division and Mobile Phone Division as R&D leader. In his current role as the Director of the Network Business Transformation, Daniel Ferrero is responsible for Small to Mid-Size Business offers and channel strategy alignment.

Posts from the Author

Blog 1200x299
Autonomous Network

Wi-Fi-Lösungen für stark frequentierte Bereiche

Von Universitäten und U-Bahn-Stationen über Hotels und Krankenhäusersprawling bis hin zu großflächigen Einkaufszentren und Stadien: Das Wi-Fi-Netzwerk gehört inzwischen zur Basisversorgung.

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